24 December, 2013

Sherlock Mini Episode: Many Happy Returns

I will admit it, I am definitely obsessed with BBC Sherlock!
In case you have not seen it yet and still want to, here is the new Sherlock mini episode called Many Happy Returns!

So I thought that the BBC was not going to show this until Christmas Day but apparently I was wrong! And I am very glad bout that. I know that Many Happy Returns is meant to tease the viewers of what the upcoming season holds, and it definitely does! It was very difficult for me to contain my enthusiasm while watching, and I had to watch it again. 

Anderson. What a change in character. I want to know exactly how he lost his job because of his obsession with Sherlock! What did he do? Did he pour all his time into looking for proof that Sherlock is still alive and disregard his job? Does he feel guilty because he was one of the people saying that Sherlock was a fake? Are his actions somehow a scam to trick Lestrade into thinking he cares? (gosh I seriously hope not!) And John! Oh John. It has been two years since his best friend (apparently) died, and he still refuses to fully believe that Sherlock could be completely gone. Well that's painful... He needs to pour himself a drink just to watch a short video of Sherlock. And Lestrade! He seems to be having second thoughts about his decision to believe that Sherlock is absolutely dead. Maybe, he wants to believe that his friend never died but is too scared to get his hopes up. Plus, who in the world was at the door??

Does Sherlocks final message to John mean that he knew that he was going to have to fake his death? Did he somehow see this coming? (he is a genius after all) 

The third season seriously needs to be here! 

And finally, mine (and the rest of the Sherlokians) reaction to the mini episode! 

(the photo sets are not mine, I only found them)

23 December, 2013

Think Happy Thoughts

Lately, I have been feeling down. Maybe it's the weather, maybe I am fearing the upcoming changes in my life, maybe it is that school seems to becoming increasingly demanding every day, and maybe it is all three. It's not like I have never had this feeling before, and I have usually found ways to get through. I know that everyone has their ups and downs in life, so here are some ways that help me feel happier and more energetic when I am feeling down. I hope they help you too.

  1. Dance! Dance like there is no one watching you. Turn on your favorite song and dance around your room until you are breathless. Let it out. Turn whatever is bothering you into movement and imagine of all your worries flying and falling off of you as you move around. 
  2. Read! Whether it is a new book or an old familiar, read! Dive into a different world for a while, then come back to your own reality knowing that you are strong and that you can get through more than you know! :D 
  3. Sing! Belt it out at the top of your lungs! Maybe even sing and dance at the same time! It's a win-win. Leave your worries at the door about whether you sound good or not and just sing. 
  4. Write! Start a diary, start a book, start a blog. Anything! Get your thoughts out onto paper, shred them afterwards if they are filled with anguish and torment (if you want to), or save them if they turn out to be filled with joy to remind yourself if you feel sad later.
  5. Drink Some Tea! Tea always makes me feel better. I have read before that holding a cup of hot tea or coffee in your hands mimics human touch. Whether this is true or not I do not know--and it could definitely be either in my mind--drinking something warm helps me. It is very calming, it forces one to stop and think for a while. 
  6. Go Outside! Fresh air helps clear peoples minds. Many people are glued to their electronics too much, I myself will admit that I look at my phone way to often and spend way too much time on the computer. But it doesn't have to be that way! Find a park, go for a walk or a run and look at nature around you. Marvel at how beautiful this world can be. Even though earth can be a harsh place, it still contains so much wonder and artistry. Never forget that! 
  7. Light a Candle! Or light many candles. Watch the flame slowly burning down the wick and imagine all your troubles burning with it.
  8. Take a Bath! Fill up a tub with warm, bubbly water, light some candles, bring a book along and just soak. Then watch all your worries go down the drain with the water at the end of the bath.
  9. Listen to Music! This is very much connected to number three but I felt like it should have its own category. I cannot stress how much of an influence music has on me. It has gotten me through more hardships than I would like to remember, I feel almost indebted to it. Music is a wonderful thing, do not forget it is there when you are sad. Music will never leave or betray you. That may sound pretty melodramatic, but it is true! It will always be there, waiting for you to come back. 

14 December, 2013


I work in a bookstore, and today we got a visit by one of the local homeless people. This man is a war veteran and, I think he has PTSD and schizophrenia. I occasionally see him walking around town talking (and sometimes shouting) to himself, he has said before that this helps mute the voices in his head. These actions make a lot of people uncomfortable around him and they usually avoid eye contact and look away when he tries to talk to them. Which is sad, because it seems like he is honestly a nice person.

So today, I was working with my boss, just shelving books, and he came in and said hello and then told us to not worry because "we're not angry today" (referring to himself and the voices inside his head). He then continued to try to talk to my boss, who was mostly ignoring him but he just kept on talking, in broken sentences that for the most part didn't make sense. This went on for a few minutes, then my boss announced that she had to get back to work in an effort to get away from the homeless man. He saw this as a chance to go talk to one of the families who was in the store, who eventually left with disgusted and disgruntled expressions on their faces.

The man then came over and started to talk to me, stating that if the world ended right now or if he died he would not be punished, because he has done nothing wrong, that he is a good man. My boss then proceeded to tell him that I had to get back to work and that I couldn't talk. He replied, saying that I was his family and that he need to just check if I was okay, then he left. I am in no way related to this man, I think that by "family" he just meant that I act like family, and that he is thankful that I listen, unlike most people in my small town. He knows that a lot of people do not really like having him around, I think that he made this last statement in attempt to show his gratitude.

One thing that stuck with me was that when he told me that he has done nothing wrong, he looked sad. It seemed like he knows that people are scared of him because of his schizophrenia and his appearance (missing teeth, messy beard and hair, dirty clothing). By saying that he would not be punished for anything, he could have been acknowledging that fact to me, I think that he just wants to be accepted by those around him. OR, since he fought in the war and probably killed people, he could be saying that because he dearly wants it to be true. Either way, it was obvious that he was glad that someone listened.

In general, people are afraid of the homeless. They decide to avert their eyes when they see a beggar, it makes them feel better to just ignore their fellow suffering human being. I will admit that in some situations it is better to avoid some people because there are some humans out there in the world who are dangerous, but not all homeless people fall into that category. Not all people who live in the streets are bad people! Just because someone looks dirty and is not clean shaven doesn't automatically make them evil, a murderer, or a druggie. Just like the fact that a person wearing a suit does not automatically mean that they are people to be trusted.

Appearance is not everything.

06 December, 2013

Food For Thought

Just a few things to think about, and maybe spark some imagination.

If ever person on earth is literally physically attracted to each other by a tiny (6.67 x 10^-11) gravitational force, then does sexual attraction increase this force? Is it a real substantial attraction that increases between two people when one person finds their significant other? Do people actually get physically pulled to the one they love?

Does a person have one true love? Or many? Is it all left up to the correct time and place?

Why are people usually attracted to others who look like themselves?

Was the comet (or asteroid) that wiped out the dinosaurs actually a spaceship carrying the first life forms that led to humans on earth?

If parallel universes exist, what is the "other you" doing right now?  Do they look the same? Do they like the same things as you do? Did they have a terrible accident? Would you two get along? Are they still alive?

What exactly is the function of a rubber duck? (sorry...)

Are there other life forms out in the universe? If there are, could they possibly be living in higher dimensions than humans? If they are, would we be able to know if they are even there?

28 November, 2013


In the spirit of Thanksgiving here in the United States, here is a short video on being thankful.  Enjoy, and have a happy Turkey Day!

22 November, 2013

Movie Review: Like Crazy

Tonight I watched the movie titled Like Crazy. It follows two people, an American boy (Jacob) and an English girl (Anna), for a few years of their lives amidst much love and many toubles. At first it seemed like it was just going to be like any other romance film that has come out of hollywood, but I was wrong. It is not a traditional movie at all.

The story is told in a way that leaves the viewer not knowing every single detail of the characters lives. In a way, it is like watching two people around you, and not knowing their whole stories. It is a rare movie that illustrates both reality and fairytale romance. It is heart wrenching, but absolutely lovely. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an original romance movie to watch.

19 November, 2013

"I Don't Want To Go Back Alone"

        Youtube. AKA hours and hours of my weekend that I can no longer get back. I am one of those people who are addicted to youtube, yes, I will admit it! Sometimes it is a good, learning experience, but sometimes I regret that I can no longer get those wasted hours back. But this time, it is good! A while ago I saw a (really good) foreign short film, but then I forgot what it was called and it seemed like for the life of me I could not find it again. However! I have recently came across the video again! So I thought that I would share it, I hope you like it as much as I did. 
       It is about a boy who moves to a new area and the conflicting emotions he and his new friends face. Click the "play" button to view it. (If the subtitles do not work under the screen, they are available in the bottom right of the video shown under the little arrow and the "CC" box, or click the link under the video and you will find that the "transcript" box under the video in Youtube has subtitles in many different languages.) 

Disclaimer: I do not own this video nor do I have anything to do with it. I am only a viewer. 

16 November, 2013

Edgar Allen Poe-etry

I remember a few years ago my english class read a poem by Edgar Allen Poe. I wish that I could remember which one it was because it was very beautiful! But sadly I cannot. So, since then, whenever I see a book or website that contains some of his works I do a quick search to see if I can find what I am looking for. The other day I stumbled across some of his poetry and (although i did not find the particular poem I was looking for) I quickly fell in love with a few (pasted below). I hope you feel as moved by them as i do. Enjoy. 


Dim vales- and shadowy floods-
And cloudy-looking woods,
Whose forms we can't discover
For the tears that drip all over!
Huge moons there wax and wane-
Again- again- again-
Every moment of the night-
Forever changing places-
And they put out the star-light
With the breath from their pale faces.
About twelve by the moon-dial,
One more filmy than the rest
(A kind which, upon trial,
They have found to be the best)
Comes down- still down- and down,
With its centre on the crown
Of a mountain's eminence,
While its wide circumference
In easy drapery falls
Over hamlets, over halls,
Wherever they may be-
O'er the strange woods- o'er the sea-
Over spirits on the wing-
Over every drowsy thing-
And buries them up quite
In a labyrinth of light-
And then, how deep!- O, deep!
Is the passion of their sleep.
In the morning they arise,
And their moony covering
Is soaring in the skies,
With the tempests as they toss,
Like- almost anything-
Or a yellow Albatross.
They use that moon no more
For the same end as before-
Videlicet, a tent-
Which I think extravagant:
Its atomies, however,
Into a shower dissever,
Of which those butterflies
Of Earth, who seek the skies,
And so come down again,
(Never-contented things!)
Have brought a specimen
Upon their quivering wings. 

Evening Star

'Twas noontide of summer,
And mid-time of night;
And stars, in their orbits,
Shone pale, thro' the light
Of the brighter, cold moon,
'Mid planets her slaves,
Herself in the Heavens,
Her beam on the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold- too cold for me-
There pass'd, as a shroud,
A fleecy cloud,
And I turned away to thee,
Proud Evening Star,
In thy glory afar,
And dearer thy beam shall be;
For joy to my heart
Is the proud part
Thou bearest in Heaven at night,
And more I admire
Thy distant fire,
Than that colder, lowly light. 


There are some qualities- some incorporate things,
That have a double life, which thus is made
A type of that twin entity which springs
From matter and light, evinced in solid and shade.
There is a two-fold Silence- sea and shore-
Body and soul. One dwells in lonely places,
Newly with grass o'ergrown; some solemn graces,
Some human memories and tearful lore,
Render him terrorless: his name's "No More."
He is the corporate Silence: dread him not!
No power hath he of evil in himself;
But should some urgent fate (untimely lot!)
Bring thee to meet his shadow (nameless elf,
That haunteth the lone regions where hath trod
No foot of man,) commend thyself to God! 

09 November, 2013

My Favorite Movies

Here you will find a list of some of my favorite movies! This will definitely be missing a few because I probably won't be able to think of them all on the spot. But if anyone is looking for a good movie to watch I highly recommend every single one of these!

First we have Musicals: Yes, I do like musicals. I mean, it's music and a story in one! Who doesn't like that? These are my top picks. (caution: all are tear-jerkers)
  1. West Side Story: A more modern version of Romeo and Juliet, set in the the 1950s.
  2. The Phantom of the Opera: The story of a mysterious man who lurks underneath the Paris Opera House who yearns for love and happiness. 
  3. Les Miserables: A battle story of the french people who tried to rise up against the government in order to gain the right for themselves and fellow poor.
  4. Moulin Rouge: A lady-of-the-night tale of a prostitute who falls in love with a man, and their struggle to stay together in spite of the world around them.

Action/Fantasy: Some awesome movies complete with some amazing CGI.
  1. Thor: A film about the god of thunder and his struggle to learn to be a better person (or god?). Complete with the amazing side story of his brother Loki. 
  2. Captain America: How the USA's very patriotic superhero came to be. 
  3. The Avengers: An epic movie that contains the story of many superheros coming together to fight against evil. 
  4. Star Wars: A complete must for every fantasy-nerd out there!
  5. Harry Potter: Also a must!
  6. Lord of the Rings: Another epic saga. 

Sad: Some days you just need a good cry.
  1. Anna Karenina: I recently saw 2013 film version of this story, and in my opinion it is one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching stories ever. 
  2. My Sisters Keeper: Although I prefer the book MUCH more, the movie (about a young girl and her constant battle between her family and terminally-sick sister) is also good.  
  3. Pay it Forward: I have no words for how amazing this movie is. Just watch it. Please. 
  4. Miss Potter: Based on the true story of Beatrix Potter, the woman behind many popular children's stories, like Peter Rabbit. 
  5. The Hours: How the book "Mrs. Dalloway" affects three different women who are all in different timelines. 
  6. August Rush: A young music-prodigee boy's journey to find his parents. 

Romance: Because we all need some (occasionally cheesy) love stories in our lives. 
  1. Dirty Dancing: A movie from the 1980s about a girl who wants to get the guy. With, of course, some fun dancing. 
  2. 10 Things I hate About You: Based off Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew comes the story of how one guy finds out that he can only date his dream girl if her older, indie-rocker sister does. He sets off in determination to put his plan in to action, and hilarity and romance ensures. 
  3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: A chaotic love story that only makes sense when you get to the end of the movie. 

Comedy: For times when laughter is a necessity.

  1. What's Up Doc?: A couple head to San Francisco, and discover that they are in for much more than they bargained for. Complete with hilarious chase scene at the end!
  2. Angels in the Outfield: A boy believes he is seeing angels helping out his favorite baseball team.
  3. Cat Ballou: A not-so-serious Western. 
  4. Get Smart: Who doesn't love some Steve Carell? 

I hope you liked this list! If you have any suggestions for great movies that you think people need to watch please leave a comment below. Thank you! 

03 November, 2013

The Idea of Fame

Fame is a weird concept. The whole idea of being famous is just strange to think about. Some kids grow up craving to be famous, which in reality is just wanting to be liked and loved by people they don't know. Yes, it also means that they are exceptionally good at something in the end, but some people do not know what they even want to be famous for! They just want to be known by the general public. They want strangers screaming their name in admiration from stands or arenas. I think it's interesting to think about, but then again, anything starts to get weird if you think too hard about it.

28 October, 2013


This last weekend my friends and I decided to visit our local theme park for some halloween-themed fun. This of course involved the occasional screaming as people dressed up in scary costumes and makeup jumped out  at us, the usual going on rides, and them (not me) visiting one of the haunted houses. Now, you should know that I do like some scary things but I am definitely not the type of person who is obsessed with being scared and who watches fright films all the time. 

While I was waiting for my friends who went inside the haunted house, I started thinking. I started to wonder exactly why some people love to be scared. Is it the rush of adrenaline that comes with it? Do they love the elevated heart beat that happens when they get surprised? Or is it something more deep set in us as human beings, maybe some people love to be occasionally frightened because our ancestors used to live in fear of the many natural disasters or problems that threatened ancient societies. Maybe people feel like like something is missing because they are comfortable enough in their own lives and the only thing that can fill that gap is fear. Who knows, it could be that we, as human beings, have to keep a balance in our lives as compared to our ancestors, that even though people live very differently now than they did back then maybe we still have to have the foundation of our lives the same. 

Then of course there are always adrenaline junkies. I know some people who watch horror films almost religiously, in some ways these people are addicted to the feeling they get when they watch a scary movie. They crave the feeling of adrenaline rushing throughout their body, and watching these types of movies satisfies their needs. I know I can love the feeling I get when I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to find out if one of the characters in a book or movie will live or not. It keeps me motivated to keep watching or reading, it's hard to look away when there is so much tension in a story. 

Of course most thriller films are fake, and according to a lot of people getting haunted by an evil spirit or getting murdered by a serial killer "could never happen." But why do we think it's "fun" to sometimes watch actors get killed on the big screen. Do we all have an instinctual urge to kill that has become buried over that last who-knows-how-many years, is watching scary movies, going to haunted houses or reading spooky stories the only thing that satisfies it? These are a few of the many questions that haunt me. 

On that note, have a happy Halloween! 

The new remake of Carrie.
One of the Chucky movies, and in my opinion still one
 of the creepiest dolls ever. 

(I am in no way an expert in psychology or the way the human brain works. I am only very interested in it and love to think about the puzzling ways that humans think, please excuse any drastic mistakes in this.)

26 October, 2013

Book Review: Over Europe

One of the perks of working in a book store is that you get introduced to so many different books. It can open your mind to the world and be a very fun learning experience. However, I tend to fall in love with every other book I see, so I need to choose carefully which ones I really want because if I don't be careful it will be very hard on my wallet. But when I saw this book I knew before I even opened it that it was going to be amazing. It is completely full of aerial-view pictures of Europe, and they are all completely gorgeous. The pictures that I took of the book do not do them very much justice but they do capture the idea of the book in general.

This would be a very good book for anybody interested in photography or anyone who is a Europe-fanatic (like myself). It contains pictures and information of Italy, France, England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and so much more. I know that I am constantly looking for more books that have anything to do with Europe and this one fit the bill, and in a beautiful way too. I would definitely recommend it.

The wind decided that it wanted to have some fun.
Maybe it became impatient and wanted to view a different page.

Some of the pages do have writing (as shown above), I haven't read it all yet but the text is mostly informative. It corresponds to the pictures either on the previous page or the picture above or below. Just like a textbook, but a beautiful textbook at that. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this book nor did I take part in any production of "Over Europe" by Jan Morris.

If you are interested in purchasing: Buy "Over Europe" on amazon

20 October, 2013

Life Goals

Everyone has goals. We all have dreams and aspirations, some we have kept from when we are young and some were made just last week. In my experience, both have importance. One of my life goals, that I've had since I was in elementary school, is to write a novel. I've been throwing around ideas in my head on what to write about for years (literally). Yet I still can't decide on if I am going to write a mystery, romance, thriller, science-fiction or even a teen book. I've had ideas for every single one of those topics, now if I could only narrow it down! That would make things so much easier. Some days I want to just sit down and start it, but other days I want to wait until I have attained more of an education, and I cannot decide. It would probably be better if I waited, but sometimes I am not a very patient person.

Pictures like this one inspire me to write. I stay motivated,
knowing that stories can have very strong effects on people. For me, this is a perfect illustration of that concept.  (disclaimer: not my illustration)

Honestly I do not know the first thing about getting a book published. Do you write it first, then try and find a company to see if they will publish it? Or do you present an idea to a company and see if they would be willing to publish if, then write it? But either way I would still need to figure out what I am going to write about. There is one thing I know for sure. That is: I will write a novel in my lifetime. There is no question about that. I have seen too many people give up on their childhood dreams, and I cannot let that happen to me. Sure, some kid dreams are obviously unobtainable, but that doesn't mean that they all are! I know that I gave up some of my dreams (it was a sad goodbye to the possibility of being a fairy). If everyone gave up on all of their dreams, whether they are old or new, what would they have to live for?

16 October, 2013


The Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I love the way the weather is changing, so it's just a tad chilly. I love that you get to dress in cable knit sweaters and boots, and I love the way the leaves change color. Unfortunately, where I live most of the leaves do not change nor do the trees lose their leaves like they do in a lot of places. So I thought it would be a good idea to put together a few of my favorite autumn pictures to embrace the fall time, even if it doesn't look fully like it outside my window.

(I do not own any of these pictures) 

13 October, 2013

Movies and TV Shows

It is no secret to my friends and family that I love watching movies and TV shows. I love getting attached to the characters and knowing their stories just like they were a close friend of mine. It is for me, just like many others, and escape from my daily monotonous life to live in a different world for some time. However, even though my friends and family know that I love to do this, not all of them approve.

Many people see following a TV show or a  movie series to be something a typical lazy person or "couch potato" would do. I'm here to say that is not always the case. I know that some shows out there are mind numbing in their ability to let the viewer shut off their mind and become fully absorbed in the show, while not having to think. But that is not how every show is. It seems to me that some people group all shows and movies together in to one category, not allowing them to have any difference from each other. I know from experience that that is not true.

Some programs really can make you think. Well-made ones can envelope the viewer into the storyline and have them have guessed multiple outcomes by the time the final scene comes around. The ones that make people think the most are, your typical crime scene drama where the main characters do not figure out "who did it" until the end of the show, or a show that starts out normal but then has a huge plot twist in the middle(catching us all by surprise), and then there are always the mystery shows, like Sherlock (a personal favorite of mine). These all involve the viewer to almost become part of the story, maybe one of the investigators in a crime, or even a friend to the main character.

Movies can go along the same lines, just not usually over such drawn out periods of time that are offered by TV shows. I like to think of them as mini-escapes, only allowing you be leave your world for a few hours (or more if it is a series). Movies can be a way for someone to rest after a long work day, or sometimes a way for a one to open their mind to new ideas or stimulate their thoughts in a new way. There are so many things a movie can do, it is sad that in todays society it is considered bad to like to watch a lot of movies but not considered wrong to like to watch a lot of sports. Sure, watching sports can make one want to play more sports, but movies can do that and even more. Some could argue that sports films are not the same as it being played live on the television, but either way people are getting inspired, just in a different setting.

Now, sorry about the tangent, what I want the readers to take away from this is only this; do not close you mind to movies, TV shows (or anything) just because it is sometimes considered bad by society. It could open your mind to things you would have never expected.

10 October, 2013

Harry Potter?

So I have been debating with myself over what I should post this time and I've decided on this: Harry Potter. Yes. It is a topic that I think actually plays a large part in how I think about myself. Let me explain.

Harry Potter isn't just a book series or a collection of movies. He isn't just an imaginary boy in a fantasy book, no, I grew up with him. I grew up with all of those characters. Ever since I was little I have read these wonderful stories over and over again. I basically had a withdrawal when there were no more books or movies set to come out to the public, and I know of a lot of other people that went though the same thing as myself. But I know that there are a lot of people out there that do not understand or feel the same way about this that I do, and it will honestly be hard for me to try to put this into words but I am going to try.

This isn't just another children's book series. It contains so many adult elements and themes that I never really got around to analyzing until the last few years. First, lets just think about the first book for a few seconds, one of the first scenes is a mother trying to protect her child from getting murdered by a man. That is some pretty dark stuff if you ask me. I know that when I was younger I was actually terrified of the idea of "He Who Must Not Be Named" or "Voldemort" (which, on a side note, roughly translated means "flight of death," which I find extremely smart). Second, these books and films contain amazing moral lessons for children and adults alike. It teaches us to stand up for ourselves, that women can be strong just as easily as men , and that good can always conquer over evil. The stories contain prejudice and racism, and it teaches how to stand up to that and fight back to that. They teach people some of the very best morals without people realizing. And that, that is great writing.

J.K Rowling is an amazing woman. She came from nothing to being one of the most recognized authors around the world. She is an inspiration to me and one of my favorite role models. And for those who did not know she recently announced that she is going to be writing the screenplay for a new Harry Potter related movie coming out soon based off of the book "Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them" which I am ecstatic about. 

I could go on and on talking about all the things that I love about the Harry Potter series, but that could get a bit boring for you, so I am just going to state (at the rick of sounding cliched) a few more things which I love about it. It is a series which opens up peoples imaginations, it is so different from our day to day lives that it makes us wonder if things such as magic, dragons and hippogriffs could actually exist in our world. It inspires people to be who they are and to not let anyone tell them that they have to change. And last but not least, it encourages people to never, ever give up.

08 October, 2013


Hello to anyone who is reading this!
Welcome to my brand new blog. My name is Katelyn and here is where I plan to write down my thoughts, ideas, or just anything that I find remotely interesting. My hope is that some people will find this blog and that my posts will interest them as well. Here are a few things that I am planning on posting about:

  • Anything that I find interesting that I have learned about in school, which will most likely be related to: English, Writing, Literature, art and photography
  • Stort and book reviews
  • TV show and movie reviews
  • Anything related to psychology and how the human brain works
  • Some short stories of mine if I am feeling brave 
  • And honestly.... I will probably sometimes post pictures that I find pretty and a joke here or there just for the fun of it!
If any of these things sound interesting to you in any way please stay tuned!