10 October, 2013

Harry Potter?

So I have been debating with myself over what I should post this time and I've decided on this: Harry Potter. Yes. It is a topic that I think actually plays a large part in how I think about myself. Let me explain.

Harry Potter isn't just a book series or a collection of movies. He isn't just an imaginary boy in a fantasy book, no, I grew up with him. I grew up with all of those characters. Ever since I was little I have read these wonderful stories over and over again. I basically had a withdrawal when there were no more books or movies set to come out to the public, and I know of a lot of other people that went though the same thing as myself. But I know that there are a lot of people out there that do not understand or feel the same way about this that I do, and it will honestly be hard for me to try to put this into words but I am going to try.

This isn't just another children's book series. It contains so many adult elements and themes that I never really got around to analyzing until the last few years. First, lets just think about the first book for a few seconds, one of the first scenes is a mother trying to protect her child from getting murdered by a man. That is some pretty dark stuff if you ask me. I know that when I was younger I was actually terrified of the idea of "He Who Must Not Be Named" or "Voldemort" (which, on a side note, roughly translated means "flight of death," which I find extremely smart). Second, these books and films contain amazing moral lessons for children and adults alike. It teaches us to stand up for ourselves, that women can be strong just as easily as men , and that good can always conquer over evil. The stories contain prejudice and racism, and it teaches how to stand up to that and fight back to that. They teach people some of the very best morals without people realizing. And that, that is great writing.

J.K Rowling is an amazing woman. She came from nothing to being one of the most recognized authors around the world. She is an inspiration to me and one of my favorite role models. And for those who did not know she recently announced that she is going to be writing the screenplay for a new Harry Potter related movie coming out soon based off of the book "Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them" which I am ecstatic about. 

I could go on and on talking about all the things that I love about the Harry Potter series, but that could get a bit boring for you, so I am just going to state (at the rick of sounding cliched) a few more things which I love about it. It is a series which opens up peoples imaginations, it is so different from our day to day lives that it makes us wonder if things such as magic, dragons and hippogriffs could actually exist in our world. It inspires people to be who they are and to not let anyone tell them that they have to change. And last but not least, it encourages people to never, ever give up.

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