17 June, 2014

Thoughts On Love

     I have recently started to follow more blogs on Bloglovin, especially ones that have to do with journaling and writing. A few weeks ago I came across a prompt that had to do with love and it got me thinking….

     I think that I have talked about this before, but I believe in the idea of a soulmate. However, I do not think there is only one person for everyone. I like to think that there are many soul mates for every person. That there are many people out there for you and me. Now, they may not always be the exact, amazing, perfect fit, but thats what keeps things interesting. If you and your “soulmate” had every single thing in common then it would probably get a bit boring, don’t you think?

     I like to think that people will get the chance to meet their soulmate. That somehow, some way or another they will run into them. That may be the childish girl still inside me from many years ago who loves fairy tale stories, but I refuse to let that belief go. There’s something beautiful about the constant hope of people who believe in true love. Those are the people who inspire me. 

Original post/prompt by Sometimes Sweet. See it HERE

10 June, 2014

Currently Reading: Dark Places

    Right now I am reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. It follows a woman named Libby Day around as she tries to put her life together after she famously testified that her older brother was the man who murdered her mother and sisters when she was a child. Twenty-five years after the "Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas" she is still absolutely miserable and convinced she is forever going to be unlovable due to her childhood trauma. 

So far this has been a great read. Although disturbing, (as Flynn's novels usually are) it has kept me captivated in the best way. If you like murder mysteries, I would definitely recommend this book. 

 If you want to check out my previous review of Gillian Flynn's novel Sharp Objects, click HERE!

(c) 2014 some rights reserved
photos taken by me 

03 June, 2014

Book Review: Left Drowning

     Yesterday I finished the book Left Drowning by Jessica Park. Oh. My Gosh. It is amazing. It starts  with the main character, Blythe McGuire, still reeling from the loss of her parents in years past. She is depressed, afraid, and refuses to become socially active. That is until she meets a boy named Christopher Shepard, who helps her through her troubles. For the duration of the novel Blythe finds out more about Christopher as he discovers more about her, and they end up rescuing each other from the hauntings of their pasts.

"I'm overwhelmed at how well he has tapped into my internal battle. My secret wish to believe in fate, spirituality, or something so I don't have to exist with only the cold certainty I feel that there is nothing bigger than random chance." (page 180)

I definitely recommend this book! However, it does get really racy at some parts, so I would say this book is for people seventeen and up. 

(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved
Photo taken by me.