04 April, 2014

A Twisted View of the World

Sometimes I think my view of the world is warped. Occasionally it will seem terrible, like everybody and everything is out to get me. But on other days it seems like I am the luckiest person in the world. Why do these extreme contrasts exist? Why can't a day be "just ok" or "so-so" instead of "amazing" or "absolutely atrocious"?

Well, I actually kind of have the answers to these questions! A while back, I learned that (psychologically) humans need twice as many good things than bad things to happen to them in a day so that it qualifies as a Good Day. So that means that if someone had equal parts of exciting and dissapointing things occur within twenty-four hours,  it would appear to be a Bad Day. This may seem twisted, but it is actually a good example of how the human brain works. People focus such a large amount of their energy on the bad things in life, that they can forget about the good.

Last week I got visibly stressed when I was with some of my friends. One of them noticed, looked me straight in the face and said "It's the small things in life," knowing that it would get me to smile. And it worked. It's a good thing to remember; ninety-nine percent of the time, there is good in any situation. We all just have to do the best with what we are dealt.

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