23 December, 2013

Think Happy Thoughts

Lately, I have been feeling down. Maybe it's the weather, maybe I am fearing the upcoming changes in my life, maybe it is that school seems to becoming increasingly demanding every day, and maybe it is all three. It's not like I have never had this feeling before, and I have usually found ways to get through. I know that everyone has their ups and downs in life, so here are some ways that help me feel happier and more energetic when I am feeling down. I hope they help you too.

  1. Dance! Dance like there is no one watching you. Turn on your favorite song and dance around your room until you are breathless. Let it out. Turn whatever is bothering you into movement and imagine of all your worries flying and falling off of you as you move around. 
  2. Read! Whether it is a new book or an old familiar, read! Dive into a different world for a while, then come back to your own reality knowing that you are strong and that you can get through more than you know! :D 
  3. Sing! Belt it out at the top of your lungs! Maybe even sing and dance at the same time! It's a win-win. Leave your worries at the door about whether you sound good or not and just sing. 
  4. Write! Start a diary, start a book, start a blog. Anything! Get your thoughts out onto paper, shred them afterwards if they are filled with anguish and torment (if you want to), or save them if they turn out to be filled with joy to remind yourself if you feel sad later.
  5. Drink Some Tea! Tea always makes me feel better. I have read before that holding a cup of hot tea or coffee in your hands mimics human touch. Whether this is true or not I do not know--and it could definitely be either in my mind--drinking something warm helps me. It is very calming, it forces one to stop and think for a while. 
  6. Go Outside! Fresh air helps clear peoples minds. Many people are glued to their electronics too much, I myself will admit that I look at my phone way to often and spend way too much time on the computer. But it doesn't have to be that way! Find a park, go for a walk or a run and look at nature around you. Marvel at how beautiful this world can be. Even though earth can be a harsh place, it still contains so much wonder and artistry. Never forget that! 
  7. Light a Candle! Or light many candles. Watch the flame slowly burning down the wick and imagine all your troubles burning with it.
  8. Take a Bath! Fill up a tub with warm, bubbly water, light some candles, bring a book along and just soak. Then watch all your worries go down the drain with the water at the end of the bath.
  9. Listen to Music! This is very much connected to number three but I felt like it should have its own category. I cannot stress how much of an influence music has on me. It has gotten me through more hardships than I would like to remember, I feel almost indebted to it. Music is a wonderful thing, do not forget it is there when you are sad. Music will never leave or betray you. That may sound pretty melodramatic, but it is true! It will always be there, waiting for you to come back. 

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