24 December, 2013

Sherlock Mini Episode: Many Happy Returns

I will admit it, I am definitely obsessed with BBC Sherlock!
In case you have not seen it yet and still want to, here is the new Sherlock mini episode called Many Happy Returns!

So I thought that the BBC was not going to show this until Christmas Day but apparently I was wrong! And I am very glad bout that. I know that Many Happy Returns is meant to tease the viewers of what the upcoming season holds, and it definitely does! It was very difficult for me to contain my enthusiasm while watching, and I had to watch it again. 

Anderson. What a change in character. I want to know exactly how he lost his job because of his obsession with Sherlock! What did he do? Did he pour all his time into looking for proof that Sherlock is still alive and disregard his job? Does he feel guilty because he was one of the people saying that Sherlock was a fake? Are his actions somehow a scam to trick Lestrade into thinking he cares? (gosh I seriously hope not!) And John! Oh John. It has been two years since his best friend (apparently) died, and he still refuses to fully believe that Sherlock could be completely gone. Well that's painful... He needs to pour himself a drink just to watch a short video of Sherlock. And Lestrade! He seems to be having second thoughts about his decision to believe that Sherlock is absolutely dead. Maybe, he wants to believe that his friend never died but is too scared to get his hopes up. Plus, who in the world was at the door??

Does Sherlocks final message to John mean that he knew that he was going to have to fake his death? Did he somehow see this coming? (he is a genius after all) 

The third season seriously needs to be here! 

And finally, mine (and the rest of the Sherlokians) reaction to the mini episode! 

(the photo sets are not mine, I only found them)

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