31 July, 2014


I realized that it has been a while since I have sat down and just wrote about some of the thoughts that are swirling around in my head. My life is currently changing and I am about to experience things that I have never experienced before. I recently graduated from high school and at the end of the summer I am moving out of my house and heading off to a university. This whole idea is very exciting to me but it also completely terrifies me.

Everyone has change in their life. Some good, but also some bad. Everyone is constantly living their own story. It is important to learn as you go how to deal with new situations and be able to mold yourself into new habits. In my opinion, having a set routine is good and comfortable. But how far and how long can a routine last before it becomes a rut? It is good to step out of your comfort zone once and a while. There's a popular saying that goes something along the lines of "Do something everyday that scares you," which I think is great advice. Changing a little something everyday  doesn't have to be anything drastic, it can be as little as asking a store clerk for help or introducing yourself to new people, anything that makes you a bit nervous. Just slightly pushing yourself beyond what you usually do (as long as it’s safe) can be helpful to your wellbeing. It can boost your self esteem and confidence as you realize that you actually can do the things that scare you.  

So even though learning how to fare for myself out in this great big world scares me, I know it is the right thing to do. I know that there are billions of other people in the same place that I currently am and who are experiencing the same feelings and emotions. If you are one of these people about to head into the intimidating "world of adulthood," remember that you are not alone. Remember that growing up, becoming independent, and meeting new people is all part of life. We all have to take this leap of faith and just hope for the best.

24 July, 2014

Book Review - Never Let Me Go

I few weeks ago I finished the book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and I have been trying to figure out what to write about it ever since. I cannot go into detail at all about the plot without risking spoiling the book for people who have not read it yet. This is the type of novel where you (the reader) know something absolutely giant is happening but are not exactly sure what it is, so you just have to keep reading to find out. Much of the answer to the big mystery is revealed about one third of the way into the book, and then the characters have to deal with their situation from there.

I will say just a few things about the main idea of the story. It starts with the main character, Kathy, looking back on her childhood at a secluded boarding school in the English countryside. This school, called Hailsham, is inhabited with kids who are told they are "special." But I am not going to say how they are so special because that would ruin the mystery! We follow Kathy through her thoughts as she observes what happened to her at Hailsham and everything that has happened since. Ishiguro writes in a style that makes it seem like Kathy is talking to you and you alone.

I have seen this novel shelved in stores and libraries in the fiction section as well as the science fiction section. But don't let that scare away those of you who usually stand back from sci-fi in bookstores, it is not your "typical sci-fi book." In addition to containing subjects usually found in science fiction it also contains thoughts and ideas found in romance as well as suspense novels! It is a must read.

10 July, 2014


Here are some more of the pictures from my trip as promised! These ones are just some I took in England. I cannot find the words to fully express my love for this country, I am thoroughly jealous of anyone who gets to live here.

The gates of Regent's Park (in London).
We found a bunch of herons, it was amazing!
The view from the hotel room. 
Looking along the side of a boat in the Lake District.
A graveyard next to a beautifully old church in Keswick. 
One of the many boats-and ducks-along the water's edge (also in Keswick).
Looking out the window from the Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.

07 July, 2014


So things are going to be a tad different for the next few weeks. I am currently traveling around the UK so I will be posting pictures from my travels! We will be visiting places in England, Scotland, and Wales. 

Here is what I have gotten so far. 

The famous Big Ben.

Looking out of Green Park to the surrounding city of London.

A happy bee seen in Regent's Park.

The constant movement of the Tube.

The view from Conwy Mountain in Wales.

Side note: All of these pictures were taken on my iPhone 4S, but I will be posting many more (much better quality) pictures when I get home.