24 December, 2013

Sherlock Mini Episode: Many Happy Returns

I will admit it, I am definitely obsessed with BBC Sherlock!
In case you have not seen it yet and still want to, here is the new Sherlock mini episode called Many Happy Returns!

So I thought that the BBC was not going to show this until Christmas Day but apparently I was wrong! And I am very glad bout that. I know that Many Happy Returns is meant to tease the viewers of what the upcoming season holds, and it definitely does! It was very difficult for me to contain my enthusiasm while watching, and I had to watch it again. 

Anderson. What a change in character. I want to know exactly how he lost his job because of his obsession with Sherlock! What did he do? Did he pour all his time into looking for proof that Sherlock is still alive and disregard his job? Does he feel guilty because he was one of the people saying that Sherlock was a fake? Are his actions somehow a scam to trick Lestrade into thinking he cares? (gosh I seriously hope not!) And John! Oh John. It has been two years since his best friend (apparently) died, and he still refuses to fully believe that Sherlock could be completely gone. Well that's painful... He needs to pour himself a drink just to watch a short video of Sherlock. And Lestrade! He seems to be having second thoughts about his decision to believe that Sherlock is absolutely dead. Maybe, he wants to believe that his friend never died but is too scared to get his hopes up. Plus, who in the world was at the door??

Does Sherlocks final message to John mean that he knew that he was going to have to fake his death? Did he somehow see this coming? (he is a genius after all) 

The third season seriously needs to be here! 

And finally, mine (and the rest of the Sherlokians) reaction to the mini episode! 

(the photo sets are not mine, I only found them)

23 December, 2013

Think Happy Thoughts

Lately, I have been feeling down. Maybe it's the weather, maybe I am fearing the upcoming changes in my life, maybe it is that school seems to becoming increasingly demanding every day, and maybe it is all three. It's not like I have never had this feeling before, and I have usually found ways to get through. I know that everyone has their ups and downs in life, so here are some ways that help me feel happier and more energetic when I am feeling down. I hope they help you too.

  1. Dance! Dance like there is no one watching you. Turn on your favorite song and dance around your room until you are breathless. Let it out. Turn whatever is bothering you into movement and imagine of all your worries flying and falling off of you as you move around. 
  2. Read! Whether it is a new book or an old familiar, read! Dive into a different world for a while, then come back to your own reality knowing that you are strong and that you can get through more than you know! :D 
  3. Sing! Belt it out at the top of your lungs! Maybe even sing and dance at the same time! It's a win-win. Leave your worries at the door about whether you sound good or not and just sing. 
  4. Write! Start a diary, start a book, start a blog. Anything! Get your thoughts out onto paper, shred them afterwards if they are filled with anguish and torment (if you want to), or save them if they turn out to be filled with joy to remind yourself if you feel sad later.
  5. Drink Some Tea! Tea always makes me feel better. I have read before that holding a cup of hot tea or coffee in your hands mimics human touch. Whether this is true or not I do not know--and it could definitely be either in my mind--drinking something warm helps me. It is very calming, it forces one to stop and think for a while. 
  6. Go Outside! Fresh air helps clear peoples minds. Many people are glued to their electronics too much, I myself will admit that I look at my phone way to often and spend way too much time on the computer. But it doesn't have to be that way! Find a park, go for a walk or a run and look at nature around you. Marvel at how beautiful this world can be. Even though earth can be a harsh place, it still contains so much wonder and artistry. Never forget that! 
  7. Light a Candle! Or light many candles. Watch the flame slowly burning down the wick and imagine all your troubles burning with it.
  8. Take a Bath! Fill up a tub with warm, bubbly water, light some candles, bring a book along and just soak. Then watch all your worries go down the drain with the water at the end of the bath.
  9. Listen to Music! This is very much connected to number three but I felt like it should have its own category. I cannot stress how much of an influence music has on me. It has gotten me through more hardships than I would like to remember, I feel almost indebted to it. Music is a wonderful thing, do not forget it is there when you are sad. Music will never leave or betray you. That may sound pretty melodramatic, but it is true! It will always be there, waiting for you to come back. 

14 December, 2013


I work in a bookstore, and today we got a visit by one of the local homeless people. This man is a war veteran and, I think he has PTSD and schizophrenia. I occasionally see him walking around town talking (and sometimes shouting) to himself, he has said before that this helps mute the voices in his head. These actions make a lot of people uncomfortable around him and they usually avoid eye contact and look away when he tries to talk to them. Which is sad, because it seems like he is honestly a nice person.

So today, I was working with my boss, just shelving books, and he came in and said hello and then told us to not worry because "we're not angry today" (referring to himself and the voices inside his head). He then continued to try to talk to my boss, who was mostly ignoring him but he just kept on talking, in broken sentences that for the most part didn't make sense. This went on for a few minutes, then my boss announced that she had to get back to work in an effort to get away from the homeless man. He saw this as a chance to go talk to one of the families who was in the store, who eventually left with disgusted and disgruntled expressions on their faces.

The man then came over and started to talk to me, stating that if the world ended right now or if he died he would not be punished, because he has done nothing wrong, that he is a good man. My boss then proceeded to tell him that I had to get back to work and that I couldn't talk. He replied, saying that I was his family and that he need to just check if I was okay, then he left. I am in no way related to this man, I think that by "family" he just meant that I act like family, and that he is thankful that I listen, unlike most people in my small town. He knows that a lot of people do not really like having him around, I think that he made this last statement in attempt to show his gratitude.

One thing that stuck with me was that when he told me that he has done nothing wrong, he looked sad. It seemed like he knows that people are scared of him because of his schizophrenia and his appearance (missing teeth, messy beard and hair, dirty clothing). By saying that he would not be punished for anything, he could have been acknowledging that fact to me, I think that he just wants to be accepted by those around him. OR, since he fought in the war and probably killed people, he could be saying that because he dearly wants it to be true. Either way, it was obvious that he was glad that someone listened.

In general, people are afraid of the homeless. They decide to avert their eyes when they see a beggar, it makes them feel better to just ignore their fellow suffering human being. I will admit that in some situations it is better to avoid some people because there are some humans out there in the world who are dangerous, but not all homeless people fall into that category. Not all people who live in the streets are bad people! Just because someone looks dirty and is not clean shaven doesn't automatically make them evil, a murderer, or a druggie. Just like the fact that a person wearing a suit does not automatically mean that they are people to be trusted.

Appearance is not everything.

06 December, 2013

Food For Thought

Just a few things to think about, and maybe spark some imagination.

If ever person on earth is literally physically attracted to each other by a tiny (6.67 x 10^-11) gravitational force, then does sexual attraction increase this force? Is it a real substantial attraction that increases between two people when one person finds their significant other? Do people actually get physically pulled to the one they love?

Does a person have one true love? Or many? Is it all left up to the correct time and place?

Why are people usually attracted to others who look like themselves?

Was the comet (or asteroid) that wiped out the dinosaurs actually a spaceship carrying the first life forms that led to humans on earth?

If parallel universes exist, what is the "other you" doing right now?  Do they look the same? Do they like the same things as you do? Did they have a terrible accident? Would you two get along? Are they still alive?

What exactly is the function of a rubber duck? (sorry...)

Are there other life forms out in the universe? If there are, could they possibly be living in higher dimensions than humans? If they are, would we be able to know if they are even there?