07 March, 2014

Unrequited Love

Finding someone who loves you as much as you love them can be one of life's greatest joys, but unrequited love is one of life's greatest disappointments. Unfortunately, everyone usually has to deal with it in their lifetime at one point or another. We all will feel the pain of this enormous loss. But if we know that it will happen and if we know how to get out, why do people keep making this mistake?

The process of falling for someone can be amazing, but also absolutely terrifying, whether you know the person well or not.  Maybe you have a few thoughts about them, maybe some considerations. But then, those can turn into full blown thought trains and tangents. Your brain and imagination starts to fill up with thoughts on only them. Your life turns upside down. And hopefully for your sake they will return these feelings. But if they don't, the world can turn cruel. The goodness that was once so prominent can seem to have been sucked from the world. Sometimes the color goes away. I have seen people turn dark and depressed over their unrequited feelings. People like to feel. They like to know that they are alive, and two of the extremes that have to do with feeling are love and pain. Unrequited love is a combination.

But why do we still love, want, and crave a particular human being if it is only putting us through misery? It's almost masochistic. For anyone to put themselves through pain and suffering for another sounds crazy! But it doesn't stop. So, why? Yes, I know, "because of love." I understand that love can be a great and extremely powerful thing. But why must is be painful. Is it because of the made up stories in their imagination about fairytales that people want so very badly to be true? Is part of it just wanting to succeed and win in the chase?

We all want someone to love. Humans are naturally social beings, and yes some may like having alone time more than others. But that usually doesn't mean that they want to be alone forever. Nonetheless, no one should hurt themselves over finding love. If you put yourself out there and they don't want you back, it is their loss! Don't let them take away from your beauty, don't turn into a wilted or mangled flower over someone that doesn't deserve you.

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